Exceptions may be made and a restricted commercial license may be issued. The driver may be granted a waiver if it is determined that the impairment will not interfere with the driver’s ability to control and safely operate a motor vehicle.

Loss or impairment of an extremity or any significant limb defect or limitation does not interfere with the ability to perform normal tasks associated with operating a motor vehicle. The following guidelines are provided as they apply to various medical conditions. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSR) establish the criteria to determine when a person is physically qualified to drive a commercial vehicle (see 391.41 FMCSR). However, in accordance with statute and court decisions, each case must be considered individually to determine if the driver compensates adequately for any medical condition or physical impairment and if any restrictions apply (see Exceptions and Review Process below).

Additionally, challenging driving conditions make it difficult for drivers to adequately provide for any special medical, diet, exercise, or rest needs associated with a medical condition or physical impairment.įor these reasons, CDLs are generally denied to drivers who do not meet the federal medical standards.

Operating commercial vehicles, commercial Class C vehicles, noncommercial Class A and Class B vehicles, fire vehicles and equipment, and vehicles hauling HAM is more physically and mentally demanding than operating other types of vehicles, which creates an increased risk to public safety. Drivers hauling hazardous agricultural material (HAM).If the firefighter has a physical or mental condition which would otherwise disqualify them from driving a commercial vehicle, a license may be issued as long as they do not transport passengers when driving commercially or materials requiring placards/markings.Firefighters who operate fire equipment, any class C vehicle, or any other vehicle in their capacity as a firefighter.All commercial drivers who drive interstate.All Class A, Class B, and commercial Class C driver license (DL) holders.Drivers of Class A, Class B, and commercial Class C vehicles must meet medical requirements established by the federal government and Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).