4 hiit week training program women
4 hiit week training program women

In a typical training schedule, you’d likely perform one or two HIIT sessions per week, leaving at least 48 hours in between those bouts to recover. Other research has focused on HIIT’s ability to reduce subcutaneous and abdominal fat. One oft-cited overview of research compiled in the Journal of Obesity concluded that regular bouts of HIIT produce significant increases in aerobic and anaerobic fitness while also lowering insulin resistance and inciting a number of muscle adaptations that result in enhanced fat oxidation and improved glucose tolerance. Research has shown again and again that HIIT burns fat and spares muscle. A novice athlete may want to start with 10 seconds of harder activity coupled with 50 seconds at the slower pace and work toward a more intermediate and advanced level of 30:30 or even 60:60, always keeping in mind you shouldn’t lock yourself into a rest period that’s too short for you to fully recover. The active phase can be shorter or longer based on your personal fitness level, and the rest period should be as long as necessary for you to be able to give 100 percent effort on the next sprint. As a simple example, if you were outdoors running, you could do a 20-second sprint followed by a 40-second jog, or a 20:40 interval. With this cardio style, you alternate short periods of near-maximal intensity output with a recovery-level pace in a repeating pattern.

4 hiit week training program women

HIIT is by far the best way to boost workout density - the total amount of work you can cram into a certain time frame - and incite this catalytic chemistry needed to burn fat. These acids move into the bloodstream and then to the mitochondria to be burned for energy. These kinds of workouts mobilize lipase, an enzyme that releases fatty acids from adipose tissue (that would be your muffin top). In order to burn as much body fat as possible, you need to perform workouts with a high metabolic cost - intense exercise that stimulates all the major muscle groups.

4 hiit week training program women

Combined with another innovative HIIT technique called Tabata intervals, you’ll have a one-two punch to transform your body in as little as four weeks.

4 hiit week training program women

It’s called high-intensity interval training and is essentially a method to incinerate more body fat in a shorter period of time. Thankfully, science has found a better way. In other words, those monotonous, long-winded 40- to 60-minute cardio sessions plodding along on a treadmill or pedaling away on a stationary bike to nowhere, in the hopes of eventually burning enough calories to squeeze into your warm-weather wardrobe. Not so long ago, “getting ready for summer” meant one thing - total boredom. Heading out the door? Read this article on the new Outside+ app available now on iOS devices for members!

4 hiit week training program women